Pan Am’s First Flight from JFK to Moscow on July 15, 1968 


Pan Am Flies to Moscow 1968 Life Magazine Photo



On that day, Pan American World Airways and Aeroflot Soviet Airlines inaugurated passenger service between New York and Moscow. A Pan American Boeing 707 departed Kennedy that evening with a stop in Denmark, arriving in Moscow the next day.


An important anniversary remembered, thanks to World Wings International, Manhattan Chapter...

This was an historic event during the Cold War. The July 28th, 1968 cover of LIFE Magazine featured Pan Am’s Susan Sicari greeting Aeroflot flight attendant Natasha Arutyunova at JFK Airport.







Below: At the center of attention when Pan Am Flight 44 reached Moscow, was Miss Elsie Hill, age 85. She made the inaugural trip because of her father’s interest in Russia. A Connecticut Congressman, he had taken one of the earliest trips on the Trans-Siberian Railway in 1901.Pan Am Visiting Russia Flight 44 1968

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